Week 19: biking in the cold for the Lord

Ciao a tutti! I'm alive and well, just absolutely freezing:) I think living in Hawaii made my blood pretty thin and I am definitely NOT ready for winter on a bike! Send warm thoughts my way lol. It was a bit of a slower week this week 'cause our people were super busy...or maybe they are just avoiding us?¿ Who knows hahah! Here are some highlights:

- We did some service for a cute old lady in our ward named Frances. She wanted to feed us some lunch after so she made  grilled cheese, tomato soup and jello salad. I am absolutely terrified of jello salad and wasn't gonna eat some until she looked at me, with TEARS in her eyes and said, "you're not gonna try my jello salad?" Of course I had to try it so I scarfed it down and held in my gagging until we left. Worst thing I've eaten on the mish so far๐Ÿ˜‚ #stateside
- Great news! We are now allowed to go inside homes to have lessons! So we set up a million members lessons and it's been so fun getting to know everyone.
- The fires here have been soooooo bad here and this weekend it was raining huge chunks of ash. We biked to our appointment with our eyes closed ๐Ÿ˜Ž
- I posted on Facebook asking if anybody wanted a free Bible and got soooooo many responses! Lots of them were actually super interested in learning about the church. Sad part is, none of them were from our area so I spent all night calling other missionaries to give them referrals hahaha. Not bitter about it at all. Humility:) 
- Found lots of people on FB who speak Italian and I practice by texting them and casually slipping in gospel principles lol
- This AWESOME guy named Derek reached out to us on Facebook and wants to meet with the missionaries. We had a phone call with him and he is pure gold. Told us that he's so happy he found people who want to talk about Christ because "those kind of people are so hard to find these days." He is so stoked about the gospel and wants to learn more. Mark my words, he will be baptized:)

That's about all from me!
Go read/listen to the talk "Of Regrets and Resolutions" by Elder Uchtdorf!! I read it this week and it was such a great reminder to me that the gospel is all about HAPPINESS and we can find joy in any situation.

"Brothers and sisters, no matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it. Perhaps we should be looking less with our eyes and more with our hearts."

Even during the hard weeks, I am able to see God's hand in this amazing work. Each day is a blessing and I feel so lucky to be a missionary right now. 

Ti amo tanto,
๐Ÿ’žSorella Pitt

- Fall colors wahooo

- mia collega

- Smokey skies

- All bundled up for our 29 degree bike ride!

- the nasty jello salad 

                        - A member dressed up some skeletons in her front yard to look like us๐Ÿ˜‚


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