Week 29: long email, worth the read:)

Hello everyone:) this week I really just wanted to share my testimony with you. As I reflect on this past year, I am beginning to realize how much I have learned and grown. It is all thanks to my Savior, Jesus Christ. If someone would have told me at this time last year, that I would be spending my next Christmas in the middle of WYOMING... I would have either laughed, cried or punched them in the face. But here we are:) God works in mysterious ways. This past year has been nothing I would have ever expected but everything I have always needed. I've wanted to serve a mission my whole life, and I had my mind pretty set on exactly how it would go. After Covid hit, almost all the plans I had for myself and my future went down the drain. I wouldn't be able to attend the MTC like I'd always dreamed. I wouldn't get to serve in my original call to Italy, where my heart was so deeply attached. I wouldn't get to do "real" missionary work (aka knocking doors &...