Week 35: choose to love

ciao mia famiglia ! This week was good! Full of a million highs and lows as usual:) 

- this cute lady we've been wanting to teach took us out for breakfast and we talked all about Jesus!! We're gonna meet with her again this week.
- that same day, this cute old man (member) took us out for lunch and told us it was the highlight of his whole year!!
- we had some awesome, wonderful, spirit-filled lessons with our girl Cashlyn😇 she's getting dunked this Saturday! And Sister Jepsen is making me sing with her at the baptism....send prayers for everyone's ears lol
- scooped chicken poop for 2 hours. But we got to hang with the horses so it was worth it
- met with some awesome people who we've been trynna contact for weeks so that was a miracle!
- our friend Crista didn't show up for church which broke my heart in half. Sometimes I really do hate agency:/ but we are praying for her nonstop because she's golden...I just know it!

I have been pretty overwhelmed and stressed about a lot lately, so I was praying and studying to know what would help me feel better. One morning, I really felt like I needed to study charity. I've always kinda thought that I was already good on charity. Like I could check that one off of my Christlike attributes list cuz I got it down. Boy was I humbled😂 
I read the classic "charity never faileth" in Moroni 7. I've never fully understood what that meant but as I've studied it the past few days, I've come to realize what it really means. It means that love is always the answer! If we choose to love in every situation, we will be so much happier, and things will work out how they are supposed to. That's definitely easier said than done. We've gotta CHOOSE to love, even when we really don't want to.
So this week I'm gonna choose to love my comp, even when she leaves me a sink full of dishes to do:) I'm gonna choose to love the person who shuts the door in my face midsentence! I'm gonna choose to love the bitter cold WY weather. I'm going to choose to love studying a language that I might not ever speak. I'm gonna choose to love myself, even when I feel like I'm not good enough. CHOOSE TO LOVE!

Vi amo tutti!! Thank you for all the sweet emails and your constant support❤  

<3 Sis Pitt


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