Week 43: God's Love

Ciao a tutti! Hope you all are doing well:) It was a beautiful and sunny week here in CO! But of course it's snowing today...classic. Just wanna share a quick experience I had this week!

So here's the thing, each week when I write these emails I really try to focus on all the good things! Miracles. Funny experiences. Spiritual thoughts. Tender mercies. And I promise my weeks are definitely full of them. BUT what I sometimes don't include is how hard the mission really is. There are days when I have no idea why I'm here & just wonder if I'm even making a difference. Nights when I'm praying on the bathroom floor just pleading to my Father in Heaven to help me. My biggest struggle for the past 10 months has been feeling like I'm not good enough. Telling myself that I'll never become who I need to be, feeling inadequate of my calling and being so dang hard on myself. 

I had been fighting these emotions for a few days and I was praying for Heavenly Father to help me understand my true worth! Last Saturday we had a lesson with this amazing lady we are teaching, Joan. We were able to read 3 Nephi 11 with her & just had a really spiritual discussion. At the end of the lesson I was feeling the spirit so strong that I just opened my mouth and these words came out: "Joan, I want you to know that I can feel Heavenly Father's love for you right now. He loves you. He is aware of you. He is constantly watching over you & your family. He wants you to know how much you truly mean to him. And you mean more than you could ever imagine." She instantly started crying and told me that was just what she needed to hear. As we were leaving, it hit me. MADDY. Believe what you teach!! Those words coming out of your mouth were for you too! If God loves Joan that much & wants her to know her worth, He must feel the exact same way about you! So my eyes have been opened & my prayers have been answered. I decided I need to start believing what I teach & realize that God's love is just as much for me as it is for these people I'm teaching!!

Anyways, I am just so grateful for the goodness of God. He loves each & every one of his children. YOU ARE LOVED. Always remember that!! The words of my sweet Papa keep ringing in my head:

"You are God's own child. You have infinite worth. See yourself that way."

Tanto Amore,
Sorella Pitt


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