Week 51: Funnies!

BUONGIORNO! I had an amazing week! Still don't understand 80% of what people are saying, but I've gotten really good at nodding along & asking random questions😅 This week has been full of hilarious moments HAH i love Italians.

Lemme just tell you some funny things that have happened:
- my first time getting on the train the door literally closed on my body when I was halfway in and started MOVING. 
- we had a YSA activity at the park & introduced them to waterballoon volleyball. They thought it was the coolest thing. We had an entire audience of probably 25 people filming & cheering HA seriously so classic
- whenever I tell people I'm from Utah they say, "ahhh sì, la fabrica." (Ahhh yes, the factory)
- a member asked us to teach him some of our english slang and he spent the rest of the night saying, "pour me tea" (spill the tea) & "that is so upe" (thats so hype) ahahaha 
- another member confessed to us that he is a addicted to chocolate and goes to support group meetings every week...we introduced him to the 12-step program lol
- an old man in the branch made a facebook post to tell his friends about the missionaries and included our names: "Sorelle Ramage, Hatch and Barbie" haha I guess im blonder than I thought I was
- we were having a lesson on a balcony outside & there was a church a few miles behind me. Apparently the steeple looked like it was coming out of my head...so mid-lesson, this lady starts laughing histaricly, calling me a unicorn & yelling, "BELLISSIMA, BELLISIMA!!"

Anyways, honestly these little funny things were miricles for me! It's pretty lonely not understanding what people are saying or not being able to tell them what I feel I need to say. But these little moments helped me to just laugh & not be so stressed & love the people even more. I'm so grateful God blessed me with them:) 

Thank you all so so much for the sweet birthday emails/messages, they made my whole day! Well that AND the Margarita pizza i had that night. Hehe I love you all

sorella barbie


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