Week 26: goats and things

Buongiorno !! It was a week full of emotions here in the Great State of Wyoming. Lots of good ones, a couple not so good ones...but that's just a mission for ya;)

Here's a little rundown:
- we went to teach someone a lesson, but it turned into him just telling us every little reason why he claims the church isn't true:( Luckily I held back my tears (and fists) until we had left.
- had an AMAZING lesson with these 2 young girls we are teaching! I don't even remember what we said cuz it was 100% spirit led and so wonderful.
- we vaccinated goats. YES! Literally gave them shots hahaha. The service we do here is always so fun and interesting. I love it. This lady we helped has 200 goats! That's almost more than the amount of people that live in this town 🤣
- we had a beautiful fast and testimony meeting on Sunday. It was the first one I've been to since February--holy cow I've missed hearing others testimonies.  An old women in our branch got up and shared her testimony in Tongan. It was the most powerful thing I have ever heard. Even though no one could understand her, we could all feel of her immense love for the gospel!
- little miracle! We had planned to visit this guy named Durward. It was about 6pm and we were driving around in the dark, looking for his house. We eventually discovered that he lives in a sketchy alley, in the very back of the town, in a trailer home. I did not want to get out of the car, no sir I did not. But the spirit was pushing both me and Sister Jespsen to go see this guy. So we grabbed our pepper spray, linked arms, and slowly walked up to the house. We ended up meeting Durward and he was SO HAPPY to see us. Told us it made his whole week. We invited him to church on Sunday and he's excited to come. Lesson learned. Sometimes the spirit tells you to walk down sketchy alleyways in the dark!

Lately I have just been feeling like a loser missionary cuz we work work work but we aren't seeing the success we want. It has been very hard for me to find confidence in myself and feel like I'm doing all that I can. I randomly came across this scripture that has really helped me:
D&C 1:23
"That the fullness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world"

That's me. Weak and simple. God called me to preach his gospel, knowing of all of my weaknesses and struggles. This helps me to remember that as long as I'm working my hardest, he will always be proud of me.

The book is blue & the church is true!!! Go listen to JBs Christmas Album for me. And maybe if I listen close enough I'll actually hear it from my barn...I am only 4 short hours away from Cville;)

Vi voglio bene,
Sister Arm Pitt (as the kids like to call me)

ember that as long as I'm working my hardest, he will always be proud of me.

The book is blue & the church is true!!! Go listen to JBs Christmas Album for me. And maybe if I listen close enough I'll actually hear it from my barn...I am only 4 short hours away from Cville;)

Vi voglio bene,
Sister Arm Pitt (as the kids like to call me)


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